
Lost a qualified position to the directors daughter who has no experience

I’m a senior in High School in a fairly small town, I am currently working towards my goals to become a Cinematographer and work with media surrounding so. Because of the small population and my semi professional skill set that was all self taught because the lack of resources where i’m at. The market here is very dry and opportunities to prove myself are rare. To land an internship job for the exact position I needed to gain much more important information and experience. This program was intended to find the most passionate and qualified people in my local school for the positions. Multiple people in my community reached out to me telling me to apply as I would be the best for it with a couple of them giving good recommendations to. I get to the interview stage and thought it went more than well, i genuinely thought i…

I’m a senior in High School in a fairly small town, I am currently working towards my goals to become a Cinematographer and work with media surrounding so. Because of the small population and my semi professional skill set that was all self taught because the lack of resources where i’m at. The market here is very dry and opportunities to prove myself are rare. To land an internship job for the exact position I needed to gain much more important information and experience. This program was intended to find the most passionate and qualified people in my local school for the positions. Multiple people in my community reached out to me telling me to apply as I would be the best for it with a couple of them giving good recommendations to. I get to the interview stage and thought it went more than well, i genuinely thought i was going to get the position and hopefully a job offer at the end of the program. I didn’t get it. I was kind of crushed, it took a huge hit on how i viewed my work. I wrote back an email appreciating their time and asked what i could’ve done better for future reference to try and humble myself but never got a response back. Few months later i’m talking to somebody who is working with me now setting up freelancing gigs (c) and all that which i’m very grateful to have now. And out of curiosity i asked who got the position, she tells me that the daughter of the person who was directing this whole thing got it. She has no experience and never have i seen her show any interest in this field of work. (c) shook her head in understanding on how i felt and agreed with me on how it looked.

I’m now looking on the better side and i feel as if freelancing on my own and creating better goals is helping me challenge myself more and learn other valuable skills. But i’d like to hear what y’all think

fuck handouts

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