
Lost another day of work because I didn’t respond to a text fast enough… while sick… on a scheduled day off.

I have been sick and have not worked in a week and a half and am flat broke. I've also been dealing with mental health issues that my work is aware of. Work have also not given me the hours we agreed upon and I have been struggling financially. I got a text this afternoon asking if I could go back to my regular hours next week, I replied yes. Four hours go by, my boss texts me why I didn't reply. I go into my messages, the text failed. I instantly resent it. Apologized. Get told because I didn't reply fast enough- while I'm still sick, on a day I normally have off anyway- they filled the hours I have been doing for the last 6 months with someone else. The work day isn't until Tuesday next week. It is Thursday today. Boss told me she isn't happy. Neither…

I have been sick and have not worked in a week and a half and am flat broke. I've also been dealing with mental health issues that my work is aware of. Work have also not given me the hours we agreed upon and I have been struggling financially.

I got a text this afternoon asking if I could go back to my regular hours next week, I replied yes.

Four hours go by, my boss texts me why I didn't reply. I go into my messages, the text failed. I instantly resent it. Apologized.

Get told because I didn't reply fast enough- while I'm still sick, on a day I normally have off anyway- they filled the hours I have been doing for the last 6 months with someone else.

The work day isn't until Tuesday next week. It is Thursday today.

Boss told me she isn't happy.

Neither am I.

Not going to apologize for my entire world not revolving around their company.

Looking for new work. Not giving notice. Bye.

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