
Loved This Excerpt from The Iliad

Never have I had a plunder like your own from any Trojan stronghold battered down by the Akhaians. I have seen more action hand to hand in those assaults than you have, but when the time for sharing comes, the greater share is always yours. Worn out with battle I carry off some trifle to my ships Well, this time I make sail for home. Better to take now to my ships. Why linger, cheated of winnings to make wealth for you? -Achilles speaking to Agamemnon Sort of reminds me how we were all called heroes and busted our asses while higher ups took the lion’s share of profits as usual.

Never have I had a plunder like your own from any Trojan stronghold battered down by the Akhaians. I have seen more action hand to hand in those assaults than you have, but when the time for sharing comes, the greater share is always yours. Worn out with battle I carry off some trifle to my ships Well, this time I make sail for home. Better to take now to my ships. Why linger, cheated of winnings to make wealth for you?

-Achilles speaking to Agamemnon

Sort of reminds me how we were all called heroes and busted our asses while higher ups took the lion’s share of profits as usual.

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