
Lunch break/ meal time question (state PA)

Buddy of mine were chatting about how a new mandate came down on him at work for breaks/ meals. From what he explained, they are required to now clock out for lunch breaks (30 min) and breaks (15 min). I’m aware everyone should have an unpaid 30 min break, but clocking out for a 15 is sketchy. It also seems odd how they are only scheduled straight time (ex: 12-8) but not scheduled an extra 30 min to accommodate an unpaid break. Any tips on how to help guide him on the internal battle he’s gonna embark on? I believe someone called the DOL about break times or they were fined already and are now enforcing, but clocking out for a 15 min break is not sitting right with me! (I’ve also checked the Pa DOL site and still actively checking for the 15 min clock out rule and I…

Buddy of mine were chatting about how a new mandate came down on him at work for breaks/ meals. From what he explained, they are required to now clock out for lunch breaks (30 min) and breaks (15 min). I’m aware everyone should have an unpaid 30 min break, but clocking out for a 15 is sketchy. It also seems odd how they are only scheduled straight time (ex: 12-8) but not scheduled an extra 30 min to accommodate an unpaid break. Any tips on how to help guide him on the internal battle he’s gonna embark on?

I believe someone called the DOL about break times or they were fined already and are now enforcing, but clocking out for a 15 min break is not sitting right with me! (I’ve also checked the Pa DOL site and still actively checking for the 15 min clock out rule and I don’t see it)

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