
Major billion dollar company expects us to put in extra work to make up for the lack of staff to meet productivity requirements

So, overall I like my job. I like my stores managers and I like my team. I don’t and probably never will like the HR and the corporate team. There is no reason that this BS should be happening. I work for a company that earns billions upon billions each month around the world. Our store alone averages a million dollars each WEEK. I work in a department that makes up around 70-85% of the million as the singular supervisor. Yes, as the ONE (1) supervisor. I have one manager that works in my department with me who I report to I understand that it’s not easy finding a supervisor in our line of work. If I’m real, it’s trash hourly loading pay (only get paid 5% more than regular full time staff, minimum wage for supervisor roles), the hours are obnoxiously horrible (1 Saturday and 2 Sundays off a…

So, overall I like my job. I like my stores managers and I like my team. I don’t and probably never will like the HR and the corporate team. There is no reason that this BS should be happening.

I work for a company that earns billions upon billions each month around the world. Our store alone averages a million dollars each WEEK. I work in a department that makes up around 70-85% of the million as the singular supervisor. Yes, as the ONE (1) supervisor. I have one manager that works in my department with me who I report to

I understand that it’s not easy finding a supervisor in our line of work. If I’m real, it’s trash hourly loading pay (only get paid 5% more than regular full time staff, minimum wage for supervisor roles), the hours are obnoxiously horrible (1 Saturday and 2 Sundays off a month, rotating roster with no set hours so I could work anywhere from 7am to 10pm). It’s honestly a pretty bad job, but my direct team that I work with are great and supportive of me that I kinda just put up with it. Idk what kind of career I’d want to go into, so even though I’ve been job hunting I haven’t figured out what I’d change to. I’m an autistic woman too, so job hunting has an extra layer of challenge

Our HR has been on our ass lately to meet ‘more than just the bare minimum of productivity’. They’re putting so much pressure on us. Our store should have at least 3 supervisors in my department, but we don’t? Another store in our company which we actively compete with profits wise has more than triple the management team. Yet they expect our productivity to meet to their standards

I feel horrible for our staff who are great workers who are honestly feeling the pressure too. It’s not their fault that our management team can’t expand enough to support them effectively. It’s not our fault either. HR should be working harder to get us what we need to meet their productivity goals or getting off our back and accepting that we can’t meet those goals

Of course that’s not gonna happen, and if I speak out about it, they’re gonna put additional pressure on me until I’m forced to quit. I’m a very easy target for HR considering I need additional support due to being autistic. I don’t have the support system in my life to be able to fight against them.

I hate how selfish these people are who have no idea what it’s like day in and day out. They only see the numbers.

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