
Making less than half what I was led to believe I would be making

As title says, I did two initial interviews with the company I am at now. During those, the owner told me the other individual holding the same position I would be taking on had made 18k and 13k per month in the past two months. Seeing as this is a management and fully commission based job, I figured I would have to “ramp up”, but would be making at least close to that within a few months. Fast forward five months and I am barely pulling in 5k most months. There is no possible way for me to get anywhere near 18k, let alone 13. I’m stuck with the B Team while the original A team is making all the money. Not only that, the first month I made nothing and the second made less than $2.5k. It gets even worse as two other people were fired within a month…

As title says, I did two initial interviews with the company I am at now. During those, the owner told me the other individual holding the same position I would be taking on had made 18k and 13k per month in the past two months. Seeing as this is a management and fully commission based job, I figured I would have to “ramp up”, but would be making at least close to that within a few months.

Fast forward five months and I am barely pulling in 5k most months. There is no possible way for me to get anywhere near 18k, let alone 13. I’m stuck with the B Team while the original A team is making all the money.

Not only that, the first month I made nothing and the second made less than $2.5k. It gets even worse as two other people were fired within a month of starting, and a third is about to be fired due to lack of productivity. I can’t blame these people as I am sure they realized what they were making was far less than implied when they took their positions, and decided to take other jobs.

At this point I’m pretty much at the same point. My boss keeps telling me he sees me as the future of the company, and they have tried to give me more responsibilities and more pay, but unfortunately it doesn’t matter when the rest of my team is not performing and constantly being replaced

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