
Manager changed my time sheet to avoid giving overtime

I work for a coffee shop owned by a large clothing corporation. This past Tuesday, my manager effed up the scheduling so that only one person was closing shop. I was opening that day for a 9am to 2pm shift, but my lead asked if I could come back at 4pm and stay until closing (8pm) so she wouldn’t be closing alone. I agreed, clocked out at 2pm and came back at 4pm, clocked in, then clocked out a little past 8pm. A little over 9 hours total. I was exhausted but didn’t mind the extra hours. Fast forward to today, and I see that my manager changed the time sheet so that instead of that 9 hours worked on Tuesday, it says I worked only 3.5 hours – and then added a 6 hour shift on the previous Sunday, a day which I did not even work. I texted…

I work for a coffee shop owned by a large clothing corporation. This past Tuesday, my manager effed up the scheduling so that only one person was closing shop. I was opening that day for a 9am to 2pm shift, but my lead asked if I could come back at 4pm and stay until closing (8pm) so she wouldn’t be closing alone.

I agreed, clocked out at 2pm and came back at 4pm, clocked in, then clocked out a little past 8pm. A little over 9 hours total. I was exhausted but didn’t mind the extra hours.

Fast forward to today, and I see that my manager changed the time sheet so that instead of that 9 hours worked on Tuesday, it says I worked only 3.5 hours – and then added a 6 hour shift on the previous Sunday, a day which I did not even work.

I texted her about it with a screenshot but have not received a response. I’m worried I won’t get paid for the OT since the pay period closes tomorrow. My coworkers can attest that I worked 9 hours that Tuesday.

Should I go straight to HR, or do you think I should keep a paper trail and eventually sue the company? This is not the only shady thing that she’s done, but I just never kept a trail of these things til now.

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