
Manager doesn’t like that I use my PTO on my in-office days

My manager put a impromptu meeting on my calendar in which I thought I might as well ask for PTO Wed, my one in-office day a week. She tells me she already gave me off Wed, I said no I just requested this PTO ten minutes before this meeting. She then asks me if I have anything fun planned as she does every time I use days. I don’t like it because it comes off as Invasive. I guess based on my response one time she said I’m not trying to be in your business I just always get excited to hear if people have fun things going on. I tell her my usual answer which is no, just relax. She then says to me you aren’t using your PTO to get out of your office day are you? I kind of jokingly say I’m using my PTO wisely. She…

My manager put a impromptu meeting on my calendar in which I thought I might as well ask for PTO Wed, my one in-office day a week.

She tells me she already gave me off Wed, I said no I just requested this PTO ten minutes before this meeting. She then asks me if I have anything fun planned as she does every time I use days. I don’t like it because it comes off as Invasive. I guess based on my response one time she said I’m not trying to be in your business I just always get excited to hear if people have fun things going on.

I tell her my usual answer which is no, just relax. She then says to me you aren’t using your PTO to get out of your office day are you?
I kind of jokingly say I’m using my PTO wisely.

She then goes on to say we had people who took off there phone shift days every week and eventually i let them know they would have to pick a new phone shift day. I’m assuming to let me know she’s not pleased with my tactic. There’s only one day the team goes in and it’s Thursday so it wouldn’t be like I’d go on another day. Office days and phone days are not synonymous, I perform the same functions I do remotely that I do in office.

However it’s my PTO days I want to use them as fit and it makes way more sense to take off and avoid a 1 hr commute. I coincidently took 9 days off for a vacay at the end of September, and the week after it was announced the company was going back to hybrid 2-3 days starting in October. I plan on quitting in October.

I’m trying to use my PTO up what should I say if my manager makes a remark about me using it on my office day?

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