
Manager guilt tripping people over not covering shifts

During our mandatory staff meeting, she admitted this field (direct support professionals for people with intellectual disabilities) was not for everyone and it is emotionally and mentally draining. She then also said how there was a really long list of people that on-call managers would not bother calling when looking for coverage because they knew they would say no. And that this was unacceptable as we are supposed to be a team. She praised people for being willing to work 15 hour shifts and for helping out as needed. I know I'm on the “no” list as I have said no every time I have been asked to cover for someone. And I don't see the issue with this. It's called having boundaries and knowing that I need my days off to recover. I see it as I do my hours and I'm done after that.

During our mandatory staff meeting, she admitted this field (direct support professionals for people with intellectual disabilities) was not for everyone and it is emotionally and mentally draining. She then also said how there was a really long list of people that on-call managers would not bother calling when looking for coverage because they knew they would say no. And that this was unacceptable as we are supposed to be a team. She praised people for being willing to work 15 hour shifts and for helping out as needed. I know I'm on the “no” list as I have said no every time I have been asked to cover for someone. And I don't see the issue with this. It's called having boundaries and knowing that I need my days off to recover. I see it as I do my hours and I'm done after that.

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