
Manager is actively bullying employees

Hi, Ive been working at a mid size auto tech company that works with car dealerships and insurance companies to find replacement vehicles for clients. My one manager who works remote is currently bullying everybody. Out of the 18 agents since I started in July, 6 of them have quit due to her behavior aviour. Constantly micromanaging, passive aggressive messages (typing in all caps, starting fights with employees). When I originally signed on, I mentioned that I can speak french (french immersion certificate in highschool) and they gave me a 1 dollar raise to do reports in french. A week later I told my manager that I did not want to do files in french as I was uncomfortable doing so and it was super inefficient constantly trying to understand french clients. She straight up told me no you were hired to do these in french (was never told that…

Hi, Ive been working at a mid size auto tech company that works with car dealerships and insurance companies to find replacement vehicles for clients. My one manager who works remote is currently bullying everybody. Out of the 18 agents since I started in July, 6 of them have quit due to her behavior aviour. Constantly micromanaging, passive aggressive messages (typing in all caps, starting fights with employees). When I originally signed on, I mentioned that I can speak french (french immersion certificate in highschool) and they gave me a 1 dollar raise to do reports in french. A week later I told my manager that I did not want to do files in french as I was uncomfortable doing so and it was super inefficient constantly trying to understand french clients. She straight up told me no you were hired to do these in french (was never told that was the case) so now my hands are tied? She messages me about old files which are only 2 days old why theyre not done and she can get them done in 5-10 minutes. I’m so fucking annoyed, trying to find a job in Toronto is already hard and this manager is really starting to piss me off.

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