
Manager is making us (me) look incompetent

Long story short, I started a job about 8 months ago. I have started building a very good brand for myself internally. When I have autonomy, I am fully capable of delivering quality output to my stakeholders. About 4 months ago, I was moved to another manager. We have mostly gotten along great; she seems to adore me. However, her management style is an awful fit for me. Any time she gets involved with something, she has to meddle in everything. She becomes an overbearing micromanager. I am a senior level analyst at this juncture in my career, so I don't need a lot of handholding. Recently, we inherited a very messy project. The project has gotten bounced to different teams, back and forth for the past few months. Now that it's officially on us, we have quickly realized that we don't have the resources or access to external tools…

Long story short, I started a job about 8 months ago. I have started building a very good brand for myself internally. When I have autonomy, I am fully capable of delivering quality output to my stakeholders. About 4 months ago, I was moved to another manager. We have mostly gotten along great; she seems to adore me. However, her management style is an awful fit for me. Any time she gets involved with something, she has to meddle in everything. She becomes an overbearing micromanager. I am a senior level analyst at this juncture in my career, so I don't need a lot of handholding.

Recently, we inherited a very messy project. The project has gotten bounced to different teams, back and forth for the past few months. Now that it's officially on us, we have quickly realized that we don't have the resources or access to external tools to properly do the work. My manager, in her overbearing nature, has taken lead on this project. Two days ago, she sent me data that we requested from another team a couple weeks ago. However, I noticed that she had sat on the email for over a week before getting it to me. The same day, she scheduled a meeting for us to discuss, and then invited her manager (our director) to present our progress. The problem is that I just received the data, and there was nothing material to present. It was clear that the director was disappointed in our progress. And the way that my manager portrayed it, it seemed like this was my failure.

I don't have issues with delivering when my manager leaves me alone to do my job. It is beyond frustrating that her incompetence and poor leadership is leaking down onto her team. I haven't been here a full year yet, but I am going to start looking at my 1-yr mark.

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