
Manager trying to get me to cover a position that is paid more than mine.

So to add some context, I’m a Laboratory Technician at an Opioid treatment facility, and I make $14.22/hr. So I received an email telling me I am to be trained, and cover said reception position for a week, with none of the extra pay that position has obviously. I asked if I would be paid more, or get more time off as an incentive for doing so, the answer was no as you may expect. I said I’m not doing it, unless one of those two requirements are met. I was told by said manager that “Well we don’t have enough people to cover the position, where do you think these mysterious people that are going to cover are gonna come from?” To which I named another employee in the same position that is part time, that could theoretically cover. The response was no, and the excuse for said manger…

So to add some context, I’m a Laboratory Technician at an Opioid treatment facility, and I make $14.22/hr. So I received an email telling me I am to be trained, and cover said reception position for a week, with none of the extra pay that position has obviously. I asked if I would be paid more, or get more time off as an incentive for doing so, the answer was no as you may expect. I said I’m not doing it, unless one of those two requirements are met. I was told by said manager that “Well we don’t have enough people to cover the position, where do you think these mysterious people that are going to cover are gonna come from?” To which I named another employee in the same position that is part time, that could theoretically cover. The response was no, and the excuse for said manger not covering was “I’ll get behind on my stuff if I don’t have you cover, I can’t spend my time doing that because I have my job to do.” Said manager is my stepmom which I love outside of work, but in work she just puts off this horrific “Corpo” vibe and attitude. All I can do is sigh.

Edit: I am to do my positions duties, as well as the reception position’s duties, for no extra pay/time off.

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