
Manager yelled at me and used sarcasm

my manager called and yelled at me over the phone since I made a mistake on an order on the register. It was a big mistake which cost us some money. He called our store and asked to speak to me. He yelled, “what were you thinking?!” “How could you even think that after what I told you!?” He didn’t give me a chance to respond because he kept going. He then said “okay well—I can’t do anything because I am driving!! So here is what you are going to do..” He then preceded to tell me instructions—but paused for a moment and said, “do you got thaaaat?!! are you listennnnning?” Like really sarcastic tone and still yelling. Someone else told me they thought he just raises his voice but I felt it was yelling in that moment. He then asked me to call him back in a text which…

my manager called and yelled at me over the phone since I made a mistake on an order on the register. It was a big mistake which cost us some money. He called our store and asked to speak to me. He yelled, “what were you thinking?!” “How could you even think that after what I told you!?” He didn’t give me a chance to respond because he kept going.
He then said “okay well—I can’t do anything because I am driving!! So here is what you are going to do..” He then preceded to tell me instructions—but paused for a moment and said, “do you got thaaaat?!! are you listennnnning?” Like really sarcastic tone and still yelling.
Someone else told me they thought he just raises his voice but I felt it was yelling in that moment.

He then asked me to call him back in a text which I dreaded so I called him back and he apologized to me and said he could have done it a different way not so heated but he also told me you know you’ve been here for a year that was a big mistake it looks like you still don’t get it and that’s a financial mistake. So just like a teacher I basically wanted to get my point across but I could’ve done it in a better way. But I was very strong this time because he said he noticed the first time didn’t work the first time he said it.

This to me is a very lousy way to enforce something. I don’t know why he wouldn’t just say” hey if you do this again you’re gonna get written up” or “hey if you do this again you’re fired.”

I asked to speak with him about what happened tomorrow which he agreed to—does anyone have any feedback for me? How do I approach this? What are some points I can get across to enforce it won’t happen again?

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