
Managers never seem to recognize who’s actually putting in the work.

I’m so fed up with the nepotism and alliances that seem to dictate everything in business environments. The last three jobs I have been busting my ass and received nothing but good comments from clients and people on the other side but there’s always a small group that fucking hates me for it. Those few always have some weird alliance with the manager where they get away with shitting on other employees while also being mediocre at best. Job 1 I came in and the entire community knew it as a dysfunctional place with shit customer service. I cleaned the place up and helped establish some kind of plan of attack on keeping things up to speed. One of the other bartenders I never met before walks in and try’s to say “I’m back in training.” Of course that’s not how shit works so she decides to fn walks out…

I’m so fed up with the nepotism and alliances that seem to dictate everything in business environments. The last three jobs I have been busting my ass and received nothing but good comments from clients and people on the other side but there’s always a small group that fucking hates me for it. Those few always have some weird alliance with the manager where they get away with shitting on other employees while also being mediocre at best.

Job 1 I came in and the entire community knew it as a dysfunctional place with shit customer service. I cleaned the place up and helped establish some kind of plan of attack on keeping things up to speed. One of the other bartenders I never met before walks in and try’s to say “I’m back in training.” Of course that’s not how shit works so she decides to fn walks out of her job. When a manager quit they hired someone that had 0 experience in her role and was just generally bitchy and resentful toward people that did my job. Pretty much only reason was she’s been in the building longer (and made buddies with the hiring manager.). She made my life hell so I quit. A month later she walks out on the job. Now she’s working a fast food drive thru.

2nd job I’m kicking so much ass behind the bar they literally cut an entire person from the shifts I work moving forward. I’m doing double the work of previous employees, totally unsupported, and receiving bad vibes from a few Gen Z kids the manager acts like are her kids. One was literally living with the manager as some charity case because her trailer park home life was fucked up. I caught her red handed stealing my tip. Management is hands off with the situation so I quit.

Job 3 I’m in construction now. I move across country to help a project that’s fallen behind so bad it might go into litigation. I work 10-12 hour days including Saturdays. 90% of my crew has fallen off and yet somehow we are close to making our deadlines. I do all the intense labor while these egomaniacs stand around and pat themselves on the back for being “the brains.” I’m treated like a workhorse. The one guy left on my crew has been caught twice doing cocaine in the break room and every time he spends 29 minutes in the bathroom (multiple times a day) they know what’s going on. Turns out this fat lazy drug addict is talking shit constantly and they believe everything he says. Dude is a total scumbag and because he cracks a joke every once in a while he gets a pass on everything. It’s eroded my relationship with my boss and I resent both of them for it. I break my fn back for this company.

I’m always doing what needs to be done to get things running efficiently. And there’s always some shit bird in the back trying to throw dirt on me. Why are employers so incapable of recognizing the people who actually move the ball? Does it all come down to personalities? I’m a very task oriented person that’s been described as “spry” even by those that detest me. I don’t do small talk ass kissing. Does working hard just make you a target now? The general business environment in so many industries seems to revolve around gossip and alliances.

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