
Mandatory day meeting for night shift

I'm trying to find something in FL law or OSHA that can help me find something relating to this issue for a family member: if an employee (health care) works from 10pm to 9am (45min transit time), has to come on Thursday and Friday and is told they have a mandatory meeting (that they have always been excused from since they apparently only schedule one) at 1pm on Friday, should the employee bite the bullet and get written up (disciplinary action but unsure what kind) or skip the meeting so safety reasons. Uber costs half a full shift both ways, spouse is working, father in law doesn't have a car and job refuses to pick up employee. They get off around 9am (sometimes 10am if someone doesn't come in on time, happens often). Gets home at 945am. Eats quickly and showers. In bed asleep by 1030am Wakes up at 12pm.…

I'm trying to find something in FL law or OSHA that can help me find something relating to this issue for a family member: if an employee (health care) works from 10pm to 9am (45min transit time), has to come on Thursday and Friday and is told they have a mandatory meeting (that they have always been excused from since they apparently only schedule one) at 1pm on Friday, should the employee bite the bullet and get written up (disciplinary action but unsure what kind) or skip the meeting so safety reasons. Uber costs half a full shift both ways, spouse is working, father in law doesn't have a car and job refuses to pick up employee.

They get off around 9am (sometimes 10am if someone doesn't come in on time, happens often).

Gets home at 945am. Eats quickly and showers. In bed asleep by 1030am

Wakes up at 12pm.

Gets to work at 1pm (we're assuming he has to clock in, no idea if this puts him at overtime)

Let's say it lasts for an hour. Leaves at 2pm.

Gets home at 3pm. Sleeps.

Wakes up at 830pm. Eats. Leaves for shift at 10pm.

The 2.5 hours of potential sleep is what worries the family member. Some people can function just fine, others not so much. This person cannot. Because they are 1 of 2 night shift people they've never been bothered by this. Now they think, after mentioning the lack and sleep and unwillingness to drive tired, that their job is trying to find reasons to fire him.

I personally think they should not go, get written up and state why they failed to attend on the official document.

Does anyone have insight or advice?

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