
Mandatory desktop background of new company logo after rebrand

The company I work for is going through a rebranding and has changed the desktop background on all employee’s computers (about 6000 staff) to the new logo and we’ve been told it is permanent and irreversible. I really enjoyed my previous desktop background and I like to change it up every once in a while, but now we’re all forced to have the new logo as our background. This feels very “Big Brother” but am I over-reacting in thinking this is authoritarian? Is this a common thing for multinational companies? I’ve had a conversation with my supervisor but he didn’t really care and didn’t see the big deal. Should I be more vocal about it? Or should I just shut up and tow the line?

The company I work for is going through a rebranding and has changed the desktop background on all employee’s computers (about 6000 staff) to the new logo and we’ve been told it is permanent and irreversible. I really enjoyed my previous desktop background and I like to change it up every once in a while, but now we’re all forced to have the new logo as our background. This feels very “Big Brother” but am I over-reacting in thinking this is authoritarian? Is this a common thing for multinational companies? I’ve had a conversation with my supervisor but he didn’t really care and didn’t see the big deal. Should I be more vocal about it? Or should I just shut up and tow the line?

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