
Maternity stuff..

Hey guys, just looking for a little reassurance here.. I just had my first baby in February. Before I left my boss told me to take all the time I need and when I’m ready to come back I can work whatever hours work for my family. I was under the impression that I was going to get 12 paid weeks off for maternity leave in the form of short term disability. Turns out the new policy in my state is 24 weeks, all paid. I was obviously super excited to spend time with my baby. My husband works at a school so he gets summers off. I’m really looking forward to spending all this time together as a new little family. A few days ago I got a text from my boss “checking in”. After a little bit of back and forth she tells me that one of the…

Hey guys, just looking for a little reassurance here..

I just had my first baby in February. Before I left my boss told me to take all the time I need and when I’m ready to come back I can work whatever hours work for my family. I was under the impression that I was going to get 12 paid weeks off for maternity leave in the form of short term disability. Turns out the new policy in my state is 24 weeks, all paid. I was obviously super excited to spend time with my baby. My husband works at a school so he gets summers off. I’m really looking forward to spending all this time together as a new little family.

A few days ago I got a text from my boss “checking in”. After a little bit of back and forth she tells me that one of the employees quit to work at a competing company and asked if I could come back early. I’m a sucker, and it’s a small business. I felt bad and don’t want her to be overwhelmed so I said yes. My husband was upset bc we were both looking forward to having this bonding time with our daughter.

I ended up telling my boss that I realized I can’t come back until my leave is over. I told her this was because I couldn’t get childcare. That was untrue, I just wanted to take my full leave. She was upset and told me she really needs me.

I’m feeling super guilty because I know this put her in a tough spot, but these are such crucial months for my babies development and I want to be there with her as much as I am able.

I kept all this from my parents because I know they would be disappointed and try to convince me to go back earlier. I’m feeling a ton of guilt right now but I feel like I need to stick to my guns on this one. Did I do the right thing?

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