
Maybe a silly question but need advice on asking for more leave than I’m entitled to

Hey there – I live in Australia which means that I get four weeks of paid leave per year. I want to take five weeks off in August. In my email requesting leave, is it better to just outright request the leave, or should I mention that I know I'm asking for more than I'm entitled to and say that I'm happy to take some of it unpaid? Sorry if this is a really dumb question, it's my first contract job and I'm still learning the ropes of requesting stuff like this / what the best procedure is and the unsaid protocols are.

Hey there – I live in Australia which means that I get four weeks of paid leave per year.

I want to take five weeks off in August. In my email requesting leave, is it better to just outright request the leave, or should I mention that I know I'm asking for more than I'm entitled to and say that I'm happy to take some of it unpaid?

Sorry if this is a really dumb question, it's my first contract job and I'm still learning the ropes of requesting stuff like this / what the best procedure is and the unsaid protocols are.

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