
Media and its role in our understanding is not fully grasped

When you consider a lot of your views and are honest with yourself you will see a lot of it come from the TV, films and books you had in your life. And what do those all pretty much universally show? Cops are always the good guys, even when they “break the rules” it's always the REAL bad guy as in they are never wrong. So much of people's views of law enforcement is shaped by the media since only a small portion of society has to deal with them. Note how quickly even the most fervent copaganda believers change their tunes once the cops come for them. Think of how many times in things the bad guy got it in the end and good triumphed over evil – and then look around. Somehow we believe this bullshit with nothing to back it up except for literal fiction. Look at…

When you consider a lot of your views and are honest with yourself you will see a lot of it come from the TV, films and books you had in your life. And what do those all pretty much universally show?

  • Cops are always the good guys, even when they “break the rules” it's always the REAL bad guy as in they are never wrong. So much of people's views of law enforcement is shaped by the media since only a small portion of society has to deal with them. Note how quickly even the most fervent copaganda believers change their tunes once the cops come for them.

  • Think of how many times in things the bad guy got it in the end and good triumphed over evil – and then look around. Somehow we believe this bullshit with nothing to back it up except for literal fiction.

  • Look at how people at large view unions vs the ultra-rich. For how long do we hear about how corrupt unions are, which they can be but then compare that to the malfeasance of the ultra-rich and corporations and you tell me who has done more harm to society. The media love to remind us of Jimmy Hoffa was corrupt but say DuPont when is it ever told all the harm they have committed, what is their body count? But unions bad, corporations good.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Our understanding and social concept are heavily influenced and shaped by the media around us. An yet notice no one seems to mind?

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