
Meetings are EXTREMELY Unproductive

I've worked in many different businesses. The one thing I've learned is how pointless meetings are. Seriously what in the hell is wrong with people? Am I the only one that gets extremely annoyed and frustrated when meetings come up? It prevents you from doing work, you're not going to get started on anything because you got a meeting in less than an hour or so and you're obviously not working when you're busy talking or listening, for things that could easily be summed up in a paragraph within an email. Often nothing of value comes out of meetings, especially so for an office position. If things aren't recorded, they're often forgotten. Anything of importance is usually sent via an email afterwards, making the entire meeting pointless. The people who create these meetings, often aren't doing anything and create meetings to make it seem like they're actually doing something. I've…

I've worked in many different businesses. The one thing I've learned is how pointless meetings are. Seriously what in the hell is wrong with people? Am I the only one that gets extremely annoyed and frustrated when meetings come up?

  • It prevents you from doing work, you're not going to get started on anything because you got a meeting in less than an hour or so and you're obviously not working when you're busy talking or listening, for things that could easily be summed up in a paragraph within an email.
  • Often nothing of value comes out of meetings, especially so for an office position. If things aren't recorded, they're often forgotten. Anything of importance is usually sent via an email afterwards, making the entire meeting pointless.
  • The people who create these meetings, often aren't doing anything and create meetings to make it seem like they're actually doing something. I've had meetings before, where the entire meeting was not even work related whatsoever, these people need to get a life and some friends.
  • The people who talk the most, always know the least. The lies and garbage people say, acting like they know something, makes me think they're borderline delusional. The sad part about it is that you can't say anything or speak up, because of this awful political office culture. For some reason, the idiots believe the idiots. All they do is use big words and numbers, often inaccurately, which is laughable, and people are fooled thinking they're smart or that they know what they're talking about. However, the moment you call them out on it, they shut up real quick and get defensive.

And for crying out loud, I'm sick of the losers that want you to speak just to speak. It's not only awful to listen to someone talk about nonsense, but they expect you to do it too. “What's your opinion”, “What's your feedback”, “What is the latest update?”. If I had one, I'd tell you and you'd hear it immediately via a text, chat, or email. It excites them when you repeat the same nonsense in a different way. Do people realize how meetings make people want to do less, not more? They're NOT productive whatsoever.

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