
mental health and work

Hello all. I started a new job in January and the staff have constantly belittled me and made me feel really small – with some putting down my achievements and saying I shouldn't bother applying for other jobs. The communication between me and my manager has been awful (I've had to hunt her down in the office just to get a reply to an email) with none of my access to IT stuff being sorted until the 3rd week. I cracked about a week ago and my mental health shattered and now I'm in such a severe depression I'm so desperate. The doctor upped my meds and has written me a fit note. I told my manager I'd be in next week but I'm honestly still bed ridden with anxiety and thoughts of self-harm/suicide and self-neglect. Should I just put in fit notes until they fire me? I have no…

Hello all. I started a new job in January and the staff have constantly belittled me and made me feel really small – with some putting down my achievements and saying I shouldn't bother applying for other jobs. The communication between me and my manager has been awful (I've had to hunt her down in the office just to get a reply to an email) with none of my access to IT stuff being sorted until the 3rd week. I cracked about a week ago and my mental health shattered and now I'm in such a severe depression I'm so desperate. The doctor upped my meds and has written me a fit note. I told my manager I'd be in next week but I'm honestly still bed ridden with anxiety and thoughts of self-harm/suicide and self-neglect. Should I just put in fit notes until they fire me? I have no idea how to solve this situation and I've been stalking this sub-reddit in hopes someone has been through similar and could help me. I can't even hold a conversation over coffee without spiraling into “how will this look on my cv” “how do I explain this at the next interview” “I've screwed my career.”

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