
Mental Health Break Leads To Possible Firing

So in June I took a leave for an undisclosed amount of time for my mental health. It was discussed multiple times to multiple staff, and even supported to be an UNDISCLOSED amount of time, and that I would be welcomed back when I was comfortable. Today, I went to discuss when I would be returning and any changes that need to be made with scheduling/ect. Imagine my surprise when I get blindsided by a meeting where 3 staff (boss+2 board) try gaslighting me by saying I only had 28 days to make up my mind, and, clearly, I'm past that time. This was never once brought up by them or myself pryor to today, but all 3 of them were “on the same page” that that was the plan. There was also an issue that I didn't answer my phone when they tried getting ahold of me these last…

So in June I took a leave for an undisclosed amount of time for my mental health. It was discussed multiple times to multiple staff, and even supported to be an UNDISCLOSED amount of time, and that I would be welcomed back when I was comfortable.
Today, I went to discuss when I would be returning and any changes that need to be made with scheduling/ect. Imagine my surprise when I get blindsided by a meeting where 3 staff (boss+2 board) try gaslighting me by saying I only had 28 days to make up my mind, and, clearly, I'm past that time. This was never once brought up by them or myself pryor to today, but all 3 of them were “on the same page” that that was the plan.
There was also an issue that I didn't answer my phone when they tried getting ahold of me these last 2 weeks. (And they've only tried these last 2 weeks) When they ALL know and understand that I do not get cell phone service in or around my home. That is why I specifically left emails for them when I left. Was I ever emailed? No. I even stopped in in person a few weeks ago and NOTHING WAS AN ISSUE. I was told to take my time.

I also need to put in that from Nov-end of May, me and my fiancee were the sole employees (We had 2 board members who did paperwork,) after my old boss quit and left me to do their job AND my job (my pay stayed the same). Mind you, I had very little experience when they left. I was left to run this building, every hour we were open, for MONTHS, when I was not properly trained to do so. I couldn't take breaks, because I was the only one who could cover the desk. (Fiancee was janitor/maitence, and they refused to let me train them for desk for extra help) They only started looking for a new hire in April, and when they FINALLY hired someone, I knew I wanted to take a break because I finally could (obviously after making sure the new hire was comfortable with the place, I trained them for a few weeks). My life from November-June literally only consisted of keeping shit running there. I wasnt even allowed to take one day off to see my dad in the hospital and was belittled for wanting to go.

It was understood and agreed so many times that I did not need a return date, I need to make that clear. I was never told I had 28 days to make up my mind, I was encouraged to NOT have a date so I didn't rush my therapy. So much for that.

My fiancee ALSO had a meeting. Hes “on trial” because he came in on a Tuesday, and then a Sunday and not on a Monday. Yall. He makes his own schedule. He comes in during off hours to clean. He was told from the beginning that it does not matter when he cleans, just that it gets done. Again, NEVER TOLD US THIS WAS A PROBLEM UNTIL TODAY.

So now they're going to have a meeting amongst themselves and give us our verdict next week, but honestly, I just don't want to work for them. I hoped having this new boss would be a blessing, but its clear they're just trying to clean house. I've been disrespected so many times by everyone there, and this was the final straw. I just don't know where to go from here.

Thanks for listening If anyone has any idea as to wtf I should do now it'd be appreciated!

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