
Minimum wage should be the same for all ages.

Hi, I live in the UK and the minimum wage for an adult over 23 is £9.50 and under 17 is much lower than that. Just wanted to say that, that is out-of-touch with reality and selfish policy made by people who think “If they are young, they don't need money like an adult”. This is an extremely selfish thought as they are assuming and collectively grouping all teenagers and young adults in that way. I earn £9.50 as an adult, but when I saw that my old young colleague earning way less because of their age, it seemed very unfair. Age – whether young or old does not matter in receiving the pay of what you have laboured for. Thank you for reading.

Hi, I live in the UK and the minimum wage for an adult over 23 is £9.50 and under 17 is much lower than that.
Just wanted to say that, that is out-of-touch with reality and selfish policy made by people who think “If they are young, they don't need money like an adult”. This is an extremely selfish thought as they are assuming and collectively grouping all teenagers and young adults in that way.

I earn £9.50 as an adult, but when I saw that my old young colleague earning way less because of their age, it seemed very unfair.
Age – whether young or old does not matter in receiving the pay of what you have laboured for.

Thank you for reading.

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