
Molded Bread

So I am a temp worker (thankfully I have already been hired at a different company) at a bread factory. I work in shipping putting on/taking off stacks of bread from semi trailers. There is so much waste that gets thrown away because it is too close to the best by date before getting shipped out, but also plenty that has been sitting long enough it has become molded that also gets thrown out. I get that this is part of the business (even tho is shouldn’t be to this kind of extent – the wastefulness is crazy) but what I’m getting at is they have us employees just dumping/throwing all of this bread into one of the trailers they have set in a dock. It is an enclosed space where the bread ends up sitting and piling up for even longer until it is full after a week and…

So I am a temp worker (thankfully I have already been hired at a different company) at a bread factory. I work in shipping putting on/taking off stacks of bread from semi trailers. There is so much waste that gets thrown away because it is too close to the best by date before getting shipped out, but also plenty that has been sitting long enough it has become molded that also gets thrown out. I get that this is part of the business (even tho is shouldn’t be to this kind of extent – the wastefulness is crazy) but what I’m getting at is they have us employees just dumping/throwing all of this bread into one of the trailers they have set in a dock. It is an enclosed space where the bread ends up sitting and piling up for even longer until it is full after a week and they switch out the trailer. The employees are forced to enter that space and breathe the nauseating smell of rotten bread. Could this be dangerous? Is this something I could report to OSHA or something? A different temp worker was fired yesterday for taking a picture of the pile of waste making me assume they know this is ill practice. Me leaving anyway I don’t care to have them mad at me but want to figure out a way to help the other employees without the company trying to come down on them when they do need this job. Thanks for any help anyone can provide. It is a shitty place to work that doesn’t pay near enough for making all employees work 6/10 hour shifts a week and change your schedule on a 2 day notice every week and has the worst supervisor I’ve ever worked under that everybody complains about. They need checked somehow.

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