
More pay for more stress or less pay for less stress

I worked for 5 years in a high stress job, I was top of my game, almost management for £14 per hour. I left due to the toxic work environment and now work at a basic entry level job for £2 less an hour. It’s boring. There is no management, no extra training provided, you can basically come and go as you please and I’m only allowed to take my over time “in lieu” (as in I don’t get paid for it). I also have to pay for my parking which was not mentioned at the interview. I’ve worked here for a year. It’s an easy job but sometimes frustrating as we over run a lot. Today I had an interview for a position similar to the one before..but all I could think about was how stressed, depressed and anxious I was before. Would I be an idiot for not…

I worked for 5 years in a high stress job, I was top of my game, almost management for £14 per hour. I left due to the toxic work environment and now work at a basic entry level job for £2 less an hour. It’s boring. There is no management, no extra training provided, you can basically come and go as you please and I’m only allowed to take my over time “in lieu” (as in I don’t get paid for it). I also have to pay for my parking which was not mentioned at the interview. I’ve worked here for a year. It’s an easy job but sometimes frustrating as we over run a lot.
Today I had an interview for a position similar to the one before..but all I could think about was how stressed, depressed and anxious I was before.
Would I be an idiot for not taking the job just because I don’t want to work hard again?

Edit to add: I am currently not using the qualifications I gained in the first job to warrant getting £14 an hour at my current job. I have asked for extra responsibilities but they gave a vague “you won’t have the time”.
But at the same time maybe I don’t want to use those qualifications as it means more stress, longer working hours and WAY more responsibility. Even writing this I think I know the answer lol. Guess I will just put up with being bored for a bit longer!

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