
More Work for being too efficient and good at job

Hey everyone, last week the department leads pulled in tech support for a meeting. They said that the other departments said our department looks like we’re always goofing off and have no work. The reality is we work in tech support and the majority of the work comes in via tickets from our clients. Less tickets = less work. Of course, when I’m not doing tickets I wanted to do something productive so I would just study quizlet flash cards while waiting to do something. Apparently, this means that our team is goofing off and not doing any work. Now all we’re allowed to do is look at work for 8 hours a day. And the leads said they would give us ‘homework’ to keep us busy. They also said not to get disgruntled because of this. Seems like everything they say is just bs to brainwash us to look…

Hey everyone, last week the department leads pulled in tech support for a meeting. They said that the other departments said our department looks like we’re always goofing off and have no work. The reality is we work in tech support and the majority of the work comes in via tickets from our clients. Less tickets = less work. Of course, when I’m not doing tickets I wanted to do something productive so I would just study quizlet flash cards while waiting to do something. Apparently, this means that our team is goofing off and not doing any work. Now all we’re allowed to do is look at work for 8 hours a day. And the leads said they would give us ‘homework’ to keep us busy. They also said not to get disgruntled because of this. Seems like everything they say is just bs to brainwash us to look at work that doesn’t matter in the real world anywhere else

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