
Morning Dilemma

Was supposed to start a new job today through an agency but of course nothing comes easy as my passenger side front tire was stolen. Job starts at 7am for the first day and I was up at 5:15 I sent a text to two different recruiters so my message got seen, I get a phone call from the manager telling me “ we need you to be there “ then proceed to continue to yell at me asking me “tell your friends to pick you up” “we can get you an Uber” I made it very well known that Uber makes me uncomfortable and that I would prefer to fix my tire so it wasn’t left On the rim for 7-8 hours. I couldn’t ask a friend because truthfully I don’t have very many, maybe a whole 2 friends but they live far from me anyways. The manager proceeded…

Was supposed to start a new job today through an agency but of course nothing comes easy as my passenger side front tire was stolen. Job starts at 7am for the first day and I was up at 5:15 I sent a text to two different recruiters so my message got seen, I get a phone call from the manager telling me “ we need you to be there “ then proceed to continue to yell at me asking me “tell your friends to pick you up” “we can get you an Uber” I made it very well known that Uber makes me uncomfortable and that I would prefer to fix my tire so it wasn’t left On the rim for 7-8 hours. I couldn’t ask a friend because truthfully I don’t have very many, maybe a whole 2 friends but they live far from me anyways.
The manager proceeded to get mad at me for not accepting the Uber and he told me “ I’m just saying if you don’t go today than maybe the company will delay you for another week or two”

I responded with “as unfortunate as that is, I’m asking for Thursday since you have orientation on Tuesdays/ Thursdays @7am. If the company wants to make me wait two weeks than that’s kinda on them, I can get my tire replaced today but I’m only asking to be rescheduled Thursday.”

I understand people lie and sometimes just don’t want to work but I even told them I can show proof of the missing tire, etc. I’ve kept my communication with this company for the last 2-3 weeks just for this position.
Meanwhile they’ve kept little to none, they would only reach out when I sent multiple messages or phone calls.
After having to explain myself and try to clear up the situation, I heard the manager chuckle over the phone as I was speaking, so I said politely “please don’t laugh when I’m only explaining my situation to you, I’m expressing I’m uncomfortable with an Uber and with leaving my car on a rim the way you are suggesting to me.”
After 21 minutes of arguing and back and forth, he told me he’d “pull his strings and work on getting me a rescheduled”
I understand there was 3 people to start today but I can’t help that a tire was just stolen, it’s not the best neighborhood and I don’t have a spare tire, I have a tire mobility kit which is just an air compressor for a flat.
I couldn’t guarantee being there so I wanted to be honest and overall just fix my car situation.

Should I just go back to job searching, or try this again if they are willing to reschedule?
It’s been a tough morning.

EDIT: SORRY, I’m not good with car terms but the tire is fully gone, It’s sitting on the brake rotor, my car is front wheel drive. Apologies for lack of terminology

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