
My boss got annoyed because I refused to leave my work for someone else to do

context: I work for the DA's office in my county. I handle fugitive matters largely, though since a co-worker went on maternity leave now I am handling her caseload a couple days a week. Ever since this transpired she and another supervisor have been in a tizzy, roping a paralegal in as my backup. Emphasis on backup- the way they made it sound initially he was only going to cover for me on my expediting days. Gradually though it almost seems like they're trying to force me out of the entire fugitive loop and put everything on this poor paralegal, who already told me he's overwhelmed and feeling like he's drowning. That pisses me off as it is but I like what I do and I was assured I wasn't going to have it taken away from me while I covered for the new mother. Fast forward to yesterday, some…

context: I work for the DA's office in my county. I handle fugitive matters largely, though since a co-worker went on maternity leave now I am handling her caseload a couple days a week.

Ever since this transpired she and another supervisor have been in a tizzy, roping a paralegal in as my backup. Emphasis on backup- the way they made it sound initially he was only going to cover for me on my expediting days.

Gradually though it almost seems like they're trying to force me out of the entire fugitive loop and put everything on this poor paralegal, who already told me he's overwhelmed and feeling like he's drowning. That pisses me off as it is but I like what I do and I was assured I wasn't going to have it taken away from me while I covered for the new mother.

Fast forward to yesterday, some stuff comes in and my boss is like “leave it for ___, he'll handle it tomorrow”. Didn't have the energy to fight her yesterday, it was expediting day. This morning I had nothing on my roster, so I went and took care of it since the paralegal had been out sick yesterday and probably had his own things to deal with.

She comes down this morning and gets pissed off at me for, y'know, doing my damn job and not leaving extra work for the paralegal- who also told me this morning he's borderline ready to quit because of his workload.

Who does that? “rah rah I'm so ANGRY that you DID YOUR JOB”. FFS.

tl;dr: i actually did my job and the boss has a bee in her bonnet about not shoving tasks off onto another schmuck

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