
My boss hates Moms

My boss claims to be pro-choice but the only choice she supports is abortion. I (39f) have a pregnant teenage co-worker. Whenever this coworker isn't around my boss talks about how stupid she is for not having an abortion and how she's ruining her life. Despite my coworker telling her she plans to return to work after her maternity leave our boss openly complains that the coworker won't be able to come back and if she does she'll be unreliable because kids get in the way. She also complains about customers having kids. She'll wait until they walk away and make comments about how these women should have 'kept their legs closed' or how they threw their lives away on children. I myself have two kids 6 and 10. A different coworker recently told me that my boss made negative comments about both my kids and my pregnant coworker in…

My boss claims to be pro-choice but the only choice she supports is abortion.

I (39f) have a pregnant teenage co-worker. Whenever this coworker isn't around my boss talks about how stupid she is for not having an abortion and how she's ruining her life. Despite my coworker telling her she plans to return to work after her maternity leave our boss openly complains that the coworker won't be able to come back and if she does she'll be unreliable because kids get in the way.

She also complains about customers having kids. She'll wait until they walk away and make comments about how these women should have 'kept their legs closed' or how they threw their lives away on children.

I myself have two kids 6 and 10. A different coworker recently told me that my boss made negative comments about both my kids and my pregnant coworker in front of all the senior staff. She told EVERYONE that she told my coworker to get an abortion and how my kids made me unreliable because the boss can't schedule me whenever she wants.

I'm sick of this shit. I don't want to hear what she thinks about my coworker having a child. It's her choice and no one else's business. My availability is also none of her business. I made my availability clear in the interview and she hired me anyway.

I'm ready to complain to HR. If I complain is it anonymous? I have no doubt that she'll retaliate if she knows it's me that complained and I don't know that it would do any good since she made these comments in front of her own boss and the Executive Director. I need this job and leaving isn't a great option. Any suggestions?

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