
My boss is a pedophile

Imma give some context. Im 15, and I work at a local cafetaria that serves traditional Dutch food. I have alot of friends that work in that place and we almost never work together because the man has a million employees but the place itself is really small. This is also why I can pretty much only work once every one or two weeks. So my friends have been telling me stories on how my boss inappropriately touches them on the shoulders or by grabbing their hands and say “you're hands are so cold my” (translation of what I have been told). I have no Idea in what other places I can work but I really want to quit and I need the little money I make. I know that this is a pretty big accusation and I don't know if it is my responsibility to point him out on…

Imma give some context. Im 15, and I work at a local cafetaria that serves traditional Dutch food. I have alot of friends that work in that place and we almost never work together because the man has a million employees but the place itself is really small. This is also why I can pretty much only work once every one or two weeks. So my friends have been telling me stories on how my boss inappropriately touches them on the shoulders or by grabbing their hands and say “you're hands are so cold my” (translation of what I have been told). I have no Idea in what other places I can work but I really want to quit and I need the little money I make. I know that this is a pretty big accusation and I don't know if it is my responsibility to point him out on it. What do I do?

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