
My boss is absolutely horrible

So I work at a financial firm. Been there for 10 plus years. My boss (Dave) has been hinting at a promotion to VP of sales for over 6 months. I’ve been coming in early, leaving late, putting in crazy overtime. I even missed the death of my Gam Gam (grandma) because he said if I missed a day, I wouldn’t qualify. So get this: after all these hints at the promotion, he calls all of us into a conference call. And I think he’s about to announce my new title, and he gives HIMSELF the promotion instead of me. He says he’s only going to take 80% of the salary and he’s going to combine the corner offices since he is taking on both roles. When I confronted him about this, he just said “but look how motivated you’ve been!” Ugh. And to think that I drank an 80-year…

So I work at a financial firm. Been there for 10 plus years. My boss (Dave) has been hinting at a promotion to VP of sales for over 6 months. I’ve been coming in early, leaving late, putting in crazy overtime. I even missed the death of my Gam Gam (grandma) because he said if I missed a day, I wouldn’t qualify. So get this: after all these hints at the promotion, he calls all of us into a conference call. And I think he’s about to announce my new title, and he gives HIMSELF the promotion instead of me. He says he’s only going to take 80% of the salary and he’s going to combine the corner offices since he is taking on both roles. When I confronted him about this, he just said “but look how motivated you’ve been!” Ugh. And to think that I drank an 80-year old scotch because he pressured me to, and then proceeded to call me an alcoholic. My boss is horrible.

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