
My boss is being unreasonable about my availability

I just started a job as a manager at an upscale restaurant and am still in training but I’ve been there for almost a month. They’re paying me $23/hour which I already know is on the low end for my area and job title. My GM wants to push for more for me eventually, but she recommended I get a second job in the meantime. So I got a bartending job too and gave them my availability based on what my first jobs availability is. Now this is the tricky part. Originally I was told at my management job that they need me Friday nights, Saturday and Sunday day where I’d be off around 3, and then do admin work Wednesday and Thursday for a couple hours before 5:30 which is when they open. I got hired at my bartending job under the pretense that I would be working weekend…

I just started a job as a manager at an upscale restaurant and am still in training but I’ve been there for almost a month. They’re paying me $23/hour which I already know is on the low end for my area and job title. My GM wants to push for more for me eventually, but she recommended I get a second job in the meantime. So I got a bartending job too and gave them my availability based on what my first jobs availability is.

Now this is the tricky part. Originally I was told at my management job that they need me Friday nights, Saturday and Sunday day where I’d be off around 3, and then do admin work Wednesday and Thursday for a couple hours before 5:30 which is when they open. I got hired at my bartending job under the pretense that I would be working weekend nights and Wednesday/Thursday days because that’s also what they needed. They were able to pull some strings too to let me leave early on those days to go to my other job for admin work.

THEN my management job switched up and said actually no, you need a night time bartending job because you can’t be on the floor on your computer during service hours (in case of traffic and me not getting there by 3:30) so I talked to my boss at my bartending job and they said they only have night shifts available Monday/Tuesday so they switched my schedule to that. I told my GM at my management job and she said that should be fine for me to come in in the mornings except they are closed mondays so the owner might not be okay with me being there when no one else is there. Come to find out, the owner is not okay with that either. They’re wanting me to come in now on one of my days off and I really want to put my foot down on that.

My issue is that I need a weekend of sorts. 2 days off in a row. For my own mental sanity and to feel like I’m not just working 24/7. I’m an introvert and I get drained easily. I’m almost 30, and I no longer want to work at the will of my employers, i refuse to live that way. It causes me to get burned out, drained, irritable and I want to show up ready for my busy work week refreshed and enthusiastic about it and i won’t if my days off aren’t grouped together if that makes sense.

How do I stand my ground on this? The owner at my management job is notorious for being difficult, unreasonable and has major control and trust issues according to the entire staff, even the GM. I feel like I need to basically be like, I can EITHER do Monday and Tuesday mornings for admin, OR Wednesday/Thursday afternoons. That’s it. Those are my only options due to my bartending job (and they have been incredibly kind to me changing my availability so much with them due to this management job)

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