
My boss is laughing at me about me being injured.

On Monday I was investigating an arrow board that fell from the back of my truck. Usually they're attached to a hook but this one fell off. So I went to investigate it and I saw that it fell so I decided lift it. I felt a very powerful popping sensation like a dislocated muscle or bone in my rib, and it felt like it was on fire almost like a hot knife was piercing the inside of my rib. I tried calling my manager several times but he didn't pick up the radio. Eventually he showed up because I wasn't back at the shop like he expected. I told him my symptoms but he didn't believe me or at least he looked like he didn't. I asked him to take me to the emergency room but he decided to waste time by telling the others about the arrow board…

On Monday I was investigating an arrow board that fell from the back of my truck.

Usually they're attached to a hook but this one fell off. So I went to investigate it and I saw that it fell so I decided lift it.

I felt a very powerful popping sensation like a dislocated muscle or bone in my rib, and it felt like it was on fire almost like a hot knife was piercing the inside of my rib.

I tried calling my manager several times but he didn't pick up the radio. Eventually he showed up because I wasn't back at the shop like he expected. I told him my symptoms but he didn't believe me or at least he looked like he didn't. I asked him to take me to the emergency room but he decided to waste time by telling the others about the arrow board and how I needed to drive it there to the location and then he would bring me to the ER. But before you can do that I had to claim workers comp. After I wasted 2 hours in pain to the nurse on the line. All while being held on the line for at least an hour, I was a finally allowed to go to the walk-in clinic that was nearby. After a pain assessment she suggested that I had shifted my rib from trying to pick up the heavy object. When I came back to the shop it was reported to my manager. His face suggested that I was faking it but I had no way to prove it. The next day after work when it was my first day of light duty he was laughing at something. I took out my earbuds to see what he was laughing or joking about. I instinctively rubbed my rib that was still hurting and still slightly burning and he said “oops caught you without you holding your rib you must feel better don't you” Confused at what was so funny about that I decided to leave it be because he usually makes inappropriate jokes regardless and I thought he was kidding or maybe he was serious I couldn't tell.

Sorry for the wall of text I'm typing this out on my cell phone.

Tldr: bosses laughing and making fun of me and not believing that I'm injured.

Edit : reddit wont let me post the whole thing. Ask for clarification if needed. (Reposted for technical issues)

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