
My boss is the worst

So I work in eldercare in Sweden where we go home to old people and help them out but it's stressful af and some old people are not fun to deal with and I'm 0retty sure a lot of people here know what type of old people I'm referring to Well if the work itself isn't hard and annoying enough then my boss takes the cake as if I call in sick one day because I've had a rough night of constant stomach pain and throwing up then she gets angry at me for being sick Like yesterday morning I called in that I couldn't come to work because I had spent the night throwing up and she said: you have an obligation to work) (no I Don't as it doesn't say anything about that in the contract, only real thing that says in the contract is that I keep…

So I work in eldercare in Sweden where we go home to old people and help them out but it's stressful af and some old people are not fun to deal with and I'm 0retty sure a lot of people here know what type of old people I'm referring to

Well if the work itself isn't hard and annoying enough then my boss takes the cake as if I call in sick one day because I've had a rough night of constant stomach pain and throwing up then she gets angry at me for being sick

Like yesterday morning I called in that I couldn't come to work because I had spent the night throwing up and she said: you have an obligation to work) (no I Don't as it doesn't say anything about that in the contract, only real thing that says in the contract is that I keep the patients personal information secret and that I bare responsibility for what happens on my shift)

And she also said that she had seen me out and about the day before, like yeah I have a life outside work, what a surprise. Either way she got really angry and started to call me out on the phone and I was just too tired to fkn care about it so after she hung up I started looking for jobs so I can quit this job

The worst part is that my boss is my childhoods friends mother so I basically can never visit there again

Like damn that person doesn't care for the patients health or the employees, I'm surprised that she is even allowed to be in charge of an eldercare company

Edit: I wanna add that the pay is shit and the tax is 30% so I barely get pocket change and the people you call to for support if there's something wrong with someone's medicine well they are always angry and will drain all your energy

The only people who are nice or are understanding is the college's wich have to go through the same shit

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