
My boss lied about my termination. I quit, but she said I was fired with a false statement. Is there any way this is illegal?

I recently just left a hotel industry that I will leave unnamed for now, and I'm thinking about going back since the same boss that I had major issues with is no longer there, since she got fired for multiple “no call-no shows”. I just came to find out that she lied about how I left the establishment, and I have solid proof of evidence of her blatantly lying about it. It has actively tarnished my reputation with corporate and the company itself. Even though she no longer works there, I need to set things straight with that same company if I want to go back and work there. I quit for a multitude of reasons, and also notified everyone at the establishment the moment I quit, including someone from corporate with the attempt to explain my story, but I never got a response from them. I either told them…

I recently just left a hotel industry that I will leave unnamed for now, and I'm thinking about going back since the same boss that I had major issues with is no longer there, since she got fired for multiple “no call-no shows”. I just came to find out that she lied about how I left the establishment, and I have solid proof of evidence of her blatantly lying about it. It has actively tarnished my reputation with corporate and the company itself. Even though she no longer works there, I need to set things straight with that same company if I want to go back and work there. I quit for a multitude of reasons, and also notified everyone at the establishment the moment I quit, including someone from corporate with the attempt to explain my story, but I never got a response from them. I either told them I was quitting, or that I was leaving because of this manager. She was known for letting her puppy poop and pee all over the back office area next to our food stock and expecting us – lower employees – to pick up after it while she buggered off into the office and messed around for the majority of the shift instead of helping us check people in. She also lied about not wanting to get overtime since that's what her bosses told her, but she never worked overtime and actively used it as an excuse to leave early on multiple shifts that needed at least 2 people working. I could go on about her other issues as a bad manager, but I want to know if her lying about my termination is even okay, and if I can set things correctly with this company (my reputation) even though she deliberately ruined it. Any advice, or opinion on this?

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