
my boss micromanages me through teams

every time i step away from my computer for more than 10 minutes i’m asked about why i’m offline. i have ibs and those of you who also do know sometimes that means going to the bathroom can be more of a 10-15 or even more minute thing than a 5 minute thing. i work from home and this morning my manager once again asked me where i was even though i had finished up catching up on emails and all my tasks before going and only being gone for 15 minutes. i finally snapped and decided to be honest and say i have stomach issues and i’m in the bathroom, tmi but whatever clearly there are no boundaries here. they then say i have to be clocking in and out whenever this happens. i literally get paid like $23 an hour. i know i’m not well spoken and this…

every time i step away from my computer for more than 10 minutes i’m asked about why i’m offline. i have ibs and those of you who also do know sometimes that means going to the bathroom can be more of a 10-15 or even more minute thing than a 5 minute thing. i work from home and this morning my manager once again asked me where i was even though i had finished up catching up on emails and all my tasks before going and only being gone for 15 minutes. i finally snapped and decided to be honest and say i have stomach issues and i’m in the bathroom, tmi but whatever clearly there are no boundaries here. they then say i have to be clocking in and out whenever this happens. i literally get paid like $23 an hour. i know i’m not well spoken and this isn’t the best written post but is this normal does this happen at other jobs or should i be looking for a new one?

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