
My boss paid a door person an equal share from my bartending tips

Hello. I’m on mobile and I rarely post text. Here we go. I work at a brewery in NC. I pulled a surprise double on NYE because someone called out for our ticketed party that night. Lucky me, I thought, I’ll get a fat ass tip share for working 11 hours. I was told it would be between me and two other bartenders. I found out after we got paid, after my check was shy, that he had called in an ex bartender that now works events, that she was part of our tip share. She didn’t bartend, she checked IDs and tickets. We have an entirely separate events department this particular person works for. Why did she get such a large sum of the money my coworkers and I worked for? I essentially paid for her job that evening without getting any help during the bartending portion of the…

I’m on mobile and I rarely post text. Here we go.

I work at a brewery in NC. I pulled a surprise double on NYE because someone called out for our ticketed party that night. Lucky me, I thought, I’ll get a fat ass tip share for working 11 hours. I was told it would be between me and two other bartenders.

I found out after we got paid, after my check was shy, that he had called in an ex bartender that now works events, that she was part of our tip share.

She didn’t bartend, she checked IDs and tickets.

We have an entirely separate events department this particular person works for. Why did she get such a large sum of the money my coworkers and I worked for? I essentially paid for her job that evening without getting any help during the bartending portion of the evening or during clean up. Shouldn’t the events department or the brewery just paid her for that job?

I’ve been waiting on a response from my manager since about noon today.

One of my coworkers is telling me to “be careful” and tread lightly because I might “piss off management”. I don’t really care if I piss them off, I sacrificed my plans and drove an additional sixty miles that day, I’m also pissed off.

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