
My boss pays her daughter for 80hrs of work every two weeks when she doesn’t even work with us anymore.

I just found out that my boss is paying her daughter for 80hours of work every 2 weeks when she doesn’t actually work with us any more since she’s in college. My coworker nonchalantly told me he’s seen the paychecks addressed to the daughter before, but he didn’t catch the amount. But it all makes sense now.. A couple of months ago my boss was absolutely horrified that i kept the big envelope of all of our paychecks up front all day. I was seconds away from opening it and handing them out to my coworkers myself when my boss quickly stopped me and told me to always bring the paychecks back to her office first. After learning this I decided to tell one of my other coworker about the situation. He said he knew too!! The reason he never said anything is because he doesn’t know the amount of…

I just found out that my boss is paying her daughter for 80hours of work every 2 weeks when she doesn’t actually work with us any more since she’s in college.

My coworker nonchalantly told me he’s seen the paychecks addressed to the daughter before, but he didn’t catch the amount. But it all makes sense now..

A couple of months ago my boss was absolutely horrified that i kept the big envelope of all of our paychecks up front all day. I was seconds away from opening it and handing them out to my coworkers myself when my boss quickly stopped me and told me to always bring the paychecks back to her office first.

After learning this I decided to tell one of my other coworker about the situation. He said he knew too!! The reason he never said anything is because he doesn’t know the amount of which she is getting paid…

The third person we work with is the bosses daughters boyfriend, so I couldn’t tell him what i learned as he obviously knew what has been happening.

This whole time I’ve worked at this small business I’ve worked my ass off. I have been straight up and down with my boss about needing to be paid closer to a living wage as I am not just some kid that only needs to pay off their phone bill while living at their parents house.

My boss has helped me in a lot of ways financially here and there but i still only get paid $14.50 to do multiple jobs that aren’t even a part of the business I work for(i basically do unpaid work for their travel agency while at work occasionally because it’s all in the same building and they need “help”). I can only imagine how much her daughter is paid an hour to do absolutely nothing. My coworkers and I could be getting paid way more.

My boss scolded me for being 15 minutes late yesterday and told me she’s writing in the time for when I’m late on my timesheet herself, so I’d loose a couple dollars in pay. I’m usually never late and when I am i text my coworker on shift to let them know. At that moment, i believe i missed the perfect opportunity to bring up the fact that her daughter gets paid to not be here at all! I am horrible at confrontation and not the best at snapping back.

But how do I go about a situation like this? Isn’t this super illegal? I’ve already filled out a form through the IRS…I’m reluctantly am looking for new jobs. Is it even worth bringing up to my boss? I seems like all of us are too used to this fucked behavior so none of us want to step up and do or say anything about it. But I’m sick of it…I cannot be continued to be stepped on.

TLDR: My boss is paying her daughter for 80hrs of work to not actually work.

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