
My boss said she felt tension…

And pushed and pushed for details. This was triggered by anonymous feedback I gave her boss. I’m at my year in a few months and can leave without a penalty (paid bonus) so I told her everything. Incidents, full details, how she contradicts me in front of customers, is constantly negative and condescending, dismissed my concerns about a heavy workload, and considers a period where I was very ill a “rough” spot that I overcame in terms of performance. She hinted that I didn’t know how to take criticism and how can she bring concerns to me that I can handle? I told her I’ve had many jobs over my career and besides one other boss who had a very similar negative demeanor, I’ve been able to take pretty harsh criticism…oh yes she’s also criticized my speech patterns and tendency to pause on meetings (I have to take heavy notes).…

And pushed and pushed for details. This was triggered by anonymous feedback I gave her boss. I’m at my year in a few months and can leave without a penalty (paid bonus) so I told her everything. Incidents, full details, how she contradicts me in front of customers, is constantly negative and condescending, dismissed my concerns about a heavy workload, and considers a period where I was very ill a “rough” spot that I overcame in terms of performance.

She hinted that I didn’t know how to take criticism and how can she bring concerns to me that I can handle? I told her I’ve had many jobs over my career and besides one other boss who had a very similar negative demeanor, I’ve been able to take pretty harsh criticism…oh yes she’s also criticized my speech patterns and tendency to pause on meetings (I have to take heavy notes).

We are meeting next week to continue the discussion but I’m drafting an email to her boss in the meantime. Damn it felt good to let it out.

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