
My boss sent me home as punishment, then lied about the reason. I quit

On her day off, my supervisior walked Into work and saw me talking to a coworker. Obviously that's a big no no (there's been issues before at this job where being too close to a coworker will get you put on opposite days/in trouble for talking) so she pulled the manager for the day into her office and basically berated her for “allowing” us to talk. 3 hours later and I'm being told I have to leave because “there's too many people on the floor” (two people called off leaving only 3 people there the entire day, obviously I knew that was bs). As I'm walking out, confused, another employee comes in saying she was called in to cover. I'm pissed, ask wtf is going on and I'm told that a higher up said I had to leave. I stop fighting and just leave anyways because I know I'm being…

On her day off, my supervisior walked Into work and saw me talking to a coworker. Obviously that's a big no no (there's been issues before at this job where being too close to a coworker will get you put on opposite days/in trouble for talking) so she pulled the manager for the day into her office and basically berated her for “allowing” us to talk. 3 hours later and I'm being told I have to leave because “there's too many people on the floor” (two people called off leaving only 3 people there the entire day, obviously I knew that was bs). As I'm walking out, confused, another employee comes in saying she was called in to cover. I'm pissed, ask wtf is going on and I'm told that a higher up said I had to leave. I stop fighting and just leave anyways because I know I'm being targeted.

The next day I'm told by the manager that my supervisor threw a fit over me talking to a coworker, berated the manager and the decision was made to send one of us home. My manager vouched for me and said I was doing my job but I got sent home anyways. I was highly considering just walking out after that but I stayed to be courteous to the other staff members that day. I had already put my 2 weeks in beforehand (she scheduled me for over 2 weeks anyways) to be nice, but quit the next day because if sending people home as punishment was a thing now my last weeks were going to be hell.

I told my supervisor's boss (who is a family friend) that her employee lied to me and made me quit. Obviously nothing was done because my supervisor lied her way out of things and told her boss I was sent home “because I was on my phone”. I heard from the other coworker who was involved that at the next meeting they said that they don't send people home as punishment and that won't ever be a concern

OK, if I do something wrong that results in being sent home, TELL ME. don't LIE about the reason why. To further spit in their face I am going to work at the same job but in a different department where ex supervisior has no power over me anymore

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