
My boss told me “abusers have rights too” and used SA as an example of abusers rights

Background: I had a past supervisor “Kate” who tried to sabotage my promotion by telling the hiring manager I lied about a medical condition for “special privileges.” The hiring manager asked around and everyone said I would never to that, so I got the promotion. Kate also did a bunch of other crazy stuff that I don't need to get into, but she was toxic af. Cut to now, I was told to lead a project that that involved Kate as a participant. I tried to advocate for some boundaries around working with her, i.e. I don't want to be alone with her. When I did so my current manager lost her beans. She proceeded to tell me that “we all have to work with someone who has traumatized us at one point,” and, “Well UsefulGanache, abusers have rights too. When I did social work I had to work with…

Background: I had a past supervisor “Kate” who tried to sabotage my promotion by telling the hiring manager I lied about a medical condition for “special privileges.” The hiring manager asked around and everyone said I would never to that, so I got the promotion. Kate also did a bunch of other crazy stuff that I don't need to get into, but she was toxic af.

Cut to now, I was told to lead a project that that involved Kate as a participant. I tried to advocate for some boundaries around working with her, i.e. I don't want to be alone with her. When I did so my current manager lost her beans. She proceeded to tell me that “we all have to work with someone who has traumatized us at one point,” and, “Well UsefulGanache, abusers have rights too. When I did social work I had to work with a man who r&ped his three step-daughters and I still had to work with him.”

I've already talked with a lawyer who says since I haven't lost a job/promotion there isn't really anything to sue for. I'm not really looking for any specific advice, other than is this even worth bringing to HR? I told them about the 1st comment and the HR woman said it must have just been a misunderstanding.

I just can't believe what things have come to at work. She used sexual assault to justify abusers having rights and having to work with someone who was abusive to me. I'm so tired. Especially as someone who ran away from home at 17 because of the same situation, it just made me sick to my stomach. Obviously looking for a new job.

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