
My boss tried denying my time off request, so I quit.

This was my first job, and happened in 2016. I worked at a grocery store through college. I started as a cashier, moved to stock crew, became a crew lead, got put over 2 departments, and ended up ordering for the entire store (minus deli and meat). All of these moves happened over a span of 3 years. I never got a raise for those positions. Ever. We got annual raises (maybe 25 cents at most) but that was it. They would schedule me 3 hours per day (in the afternoon)/7 days per week sometimes. I had less available time to do things than some people working full time because of the stupid way they would schedule me. Stupid crap like that. One time they made me work from 8:00a.m. until 2:30a.m. the next day, just because they could. I was in college at the time, but they did not…

This was my first job, and happened in 2016. I worked at a grocery store through college. I started as a cashier, moved to stock crew, became a crew lead, got put over 2 departments, and ended up ordering for the entire store (minus deli and meat). All of these moves happened over a span of 3 years. I never got a raise for those positions. Ever. We got annual raises (maybe 25 cents at most) but that was it. They would schedule me 3 hours per day (in the afternoon)/7 days per week sometimes. I had less available time to do things than some people working full time because of the stupid way they would schedule me. Stupid crap like that. One time they made me work from 8:00a.m. until 2:30a.m. the next day, just because they could. I was in college at the time, but they did not care. My boss treated my like crap. He would trash talk everyone behind their back. Made me furious. We were never allowed to take weekends off, but if one was lucky to get it it was an act of Congress. In January, I went into the managers office and requested the day off for my birthday in May. The manager said, without even bothering to look at me, “What day of the week is that?” I knew where it was going, but I told him it was a Saturday. He said, “Nope. Can't do it. You have to order for the store that day.” I was dumbfounded. I told him I could just train someone within the next 4.5 months, but he refused. I said “I will be off that day one way or another” and left. I heard him say “no you won't” as I walked out. I quit a few days later after getting a job offer for a paid internship. I remember how GREAT it was leaving there. the bossy managers would try bossing me around during my 2 weeks, and I would say no. They would get red in the face and I would say, “Go ahead, fire me.” Loved every second of it. I told them on one of my last days that “this store will close within the year if they keep treating people like this.” Guess what? I was off by 3 months. In April of the following year, they announced they were closing.

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