
My boss yelled at me for my hearing loss

I (28f) have moderate hearing loss. I wear hearing aids but even with them in, sometimes I have a hard time hearing lower tones, such as men’s voices. I worked for a small family owned pharmacy as a staff pharmacist. The owner was…. A Karen to say the least. She was always very negative and berated and put down her employees, even for the tiniest of mistakes. About a week ago, we had a very nice gentleman come into the pharmacy and he had a very deep voice. I was the only pharmacist working besides the owner, but she was busy at the time. I help the customer but can’t quite discern what he’s saying. I apologize profusely and explain my hearing loss, and asked him to write his name and date of birth down so I could further assist him. He was super understanding and very pleasant. My boss…

I (28f) have moderate hearing loss. I wear hearing aids but even with them in, sometimes I have a hard time hearing lower tones, such as men’s voices. I worked for a small family owned pharmacy as a staff pharmacist. The owner was…. A Karen to say the least. She was always very negative and berated and put down her employees, even for the tiniest of mistakes. About a week ago, we had a very nice gentleman come into the pharmacy and he had a very deep voice. I was the only pharmacist working besides the owner, but she was busy at the time. I help the customer but can’t quite discern what he’s saying. I apologize profusely and explain my hearing loss, and asked him to write his name and date of birth down so I could further assist him. He was super understanding and very pleasant. My boss (the owner) comes running over, looks at me and says “CAN’T YOU HEAR ANYTHING AT ALL?!” in front of everyone. I looked at her and said “I’m sorry, what? I can’t hear you” and walked out. I texted her later and told her I wouldn’t be coming back into work and that her words were very offensive. This comes after months of her berating me for various small things. I’ve learned that two other employees quit right after I did also.

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