
My bosses boss is his wife..

He's been my department head for less than 6 months. Before that he did various other jobs around the large establishment I work at. Now he is my department head plus still does his other jobs. He is barely there and has implemented changes that have made our jobs 10x more difficult. No one will complain because his wife is the GM of the entire establishment. Normally if we had an issue we would go to his wife, no one feel comfortable doing that. I bring up issues with him that everyone has and he takes it as a personal attack, I think his wife would react the same. Example, we were way understaffed and there was way too much work, I asked him what the plan was and he just acted offended and said he was busy sorting an issue out in another department and avoided me the rest…

He's been my department head for less than 6 months. Before that he did various other jobs around the large establishment I work at. Now he is my department head plus still does his other jobs. He is barely there and has implemented changes that have made our jobs 10x more difficult. No one will complain because his wife is the GM of the entire establishment. Normally if we had an issue we would go to his wife, no one feel comfortable doing that. I bring up issues with him that everyone has and he takes it as a personal attack, I think his wife would react the same. Example, we were way understaffed and there was way too much work, I asked him what the plan was and he just acted offended and said he was busy sorting an issue out in another department and avoided me the rest of the day.

I could go to head office but they oversee about 50 businesses and probably won't take me seriously either and I wouldn't even know who to talk to there, I've never even been in the building, none of my co workers will back me up because they dont want to lose their jobs. Just seems like a massive conflict of interest, his only oversight is his wife. I have been looking at other jobs. When I resign I'm going to bring up every issue that I have with him

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