
My boyfriend’s former job is refusing to pay him his last months commission check

My boyfriend worked at a national furniture chain store for a out 6 months. He quit after they continually pressured him from hourly + commission to strictly commission. He put in his two weeks notice on June 27. He worked through the July 1 and was scheduled next on July 4 but had to call off. He was then asked if he wanted to be on the next week's schedule (which started the next day but wasn't done yet), he said he didn't care. They didn't put him on the schedule. Fast forward to this week. He goes to pick up his June commissions check and they don't have it. Apparently the manager who told him he was not scheduling him instead labelled him as abandoning the job or something, which gives them cause to not pay his commission. Apparently that manager quit later that same week. Other managers were…

My boyfriend worked at a national furniture chain store for a out 6 months. He quit after they continually pressured him from hourly + commission to strictly commission.

He put in his two weeks notice on June 27. He worked through the July 1 and was scheduled next on July 4 but had to call off. He was then asked if he wanted to be on the next week's schedule (which started the next day but wasn't done yet), he said he didn't care. They didn't put him on the schedule.

Fast forward to this week. He goes to pick up his June commissions check and they don't have it. Apparently the manager who told him he was not scheduling him instead labelled him as abandoning the job or something, which gives them cause to not pay his commission. Apparently that manager quit later that same week. Other managers were “sympathetic” but couldn't help.

I say that's wage theft. We contacted the state online. Does he have a chance of seeing that money? What other steps can/should we take? His sales last month were over 30k, so the check should be about $900 pretax.

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