
My brother is against unions for Starbucks and Amazon because he believes the people deserve their terrible conditions

Context: No, my brother is not a boomer. He’s younger than me and I’m only in my early 20’s. Because those jobs are known for being terrible like McDonald’s, he fully believes that stupid people with no options have no right to negotiate for better working conditions because they’re easily replaceable. It doesn’t matter to him if he uses their services, he simply believes it’s socially accepted that those jobs are meant to be terrible and the people working them should quit otherwise they accept they’re desperate idiots.

Context: No, my brother is not a boomer. He’s younger than me and I’m only in my early 20’s. Because those jobs are known for being terrible like McDonald’s, he fully believes that stupid people with no options have no right to negotiate for better working conditions because they’re easily replaceable. It doesn’t matter to him if he uses their services, he simply believes it’s socially accepted that those jobs are meant to be terrible and the people working them should quit otherwise they accept they’re desperate idiots.

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