
My company is requiring that I meet with a benefits counselor before seeing my insurance options.

So I recently got hired on to a company through a temporary service after working with them for a few months. After onboarding and completing orientation I called the number provided to set up my benefits. I was then required to schedule an appointment with a benefits counselor. I am not able to see any of my benefit options without going through with this appointment. My question is if the benefits counselor is through the company, can it really be to my benefit or are they trying to lead me somehow?

So I recently got hired on to a company through a temporary service after working with them for a few months. After onboarding and completing orientation I called the number provided to set up my benefits. I was then required to schedule an appointment with a benefits counselor. I am not able to see any of my benefit options without going through with this appointment. My question is if the benefits counselor is through the company, can it really be to my benefit or are they trying to lead me somehow?

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