
Working for your mother isn’t all that cracked up.

I work for a temp company under my mother. She has alwayse been known my whole life to love he job more then anything else. We work for a small company in a hyper store (think Walmart). This company is known for resets and i work nights. The store closes at midnight, we work from 8pm – 5am 4 days a week with a half shift on Fridays. This usually gets me to 40 hours but for the most part we get done with work a little too fast. I work with two other people. One has known my mother for almost thirty years, and the other is someone I've known since early middle school and we're both in our early twenties. We have an incredible work ethic and get resets done in nearly half the normal expected time. This leads to one of our first issues. Some weeks we…

I work for a temp company under my mother. She has alwayse been known my whole life to love he job more then anything else.

We work for a small company in a hyper store (think Walmart). This company is known for resets and i work nights. The store closes at midnight, we work from 8pm – 5am 4 days a week with a half shift on Fridays. This usually gets me to 40 hours but for the most part we get done with work a little too fast. I work with two other people. One has known my mother for almost thirty years, and the other is someone I've known since early middle school and we're both in our early twenties. We have an incredible work ethic and get resets done in nearly half the normal expected time. This leads to one of our first issues.

Some weeks we get 30+ hours of resets, and some times we get 80+ hours. We take shelves move them, move products on them, sometimes remove products that have been discontinued aswell as a few other things. Some nights we'll be wrapping up and have all of our work done except an 8hour reset with about 2 hours of work left. When this happens we decide to clean our products in the store and usually can head out about 30-40 minutes early.

On our way out my mother decides to stop us after getting confirmation from the night time manager that we can leave to stay for a bit. Sometimes do silly little tasks to keep us there just till she's satisfied with out work as if we haven't just worked for 7+ hours for her. Sometimes she'll keep us for 20 minutes, sometimes this can be two hours. One day last week my coworker and i had to grab every to go pack of nuts at the cash register and sort them by date just to keep us there.

This kind of petty stuff has happened since i e started working about a year ago, but today just seemed off. Before work i was walking through the house as a great in our floor was needing to be replaced as the new one was on the floor i accidentally kicked it and ended up stubbing my toe so hard that my nail fell off. After some in home surgery my mother bandaged me up as i asked if she really wanted me to come in after i can barely walk now because of my foot. Bla bla bla i was forced into work. Being told “You need the money.” When I wake up and don't feel good, when I got COVID, and when I could barely walk that was the excuse. It rings in my head and I'm starting to think that maybe I'm complaining to much.

I asked my friends what they thought and were furious. They exclaimed loudly that my mother is a terrible person and continues to abuse and use me because I work like one of the best of them, and no matter the situation she will keep me way longer then she really does need me because “I need the money.”

I do apologize this may be a little hard to read sometimes.

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