
Shit work, shitier partners, shitiest bosses.

My job is in a great Mall in Spain, moving shopping carts from parkings to the supermarket. Underpaid shit for just 12h a week. This is the easiest job in the world, if you are phisically capable you can do it, no intelligence or learning needed. I had 1 day formation and i learned it all in 1 hour. My second day I was told that I did an amazing job, impressive… Just moved all carts from parkings into the market. This was again the next weeks, and I was really pissed off, why are they congratulating me for this shit job that anybody can do… Well it took me few months to realize, myvotyer partners in carts are 3 of the best, 2 drug addicts(usual consumer, not zombie like one) and an alcoholic. Is this a problem for me? Not at all. Well if you just slip your work…

My job is in a great Mall in Spain, moving shopping carts from parkings to the supermarket. Underpaid shit for just 12h a week.

This is the easiest job in the world, if you are phisically capable you can do it, no intelligence or learning needed. I had 1 day formation and i learned it all in 1 hour.

My second day I was told that I did an amazing job, impressive… Just moved all carts from parkings into the market. This was again the next weeks, and I was really pissed off, why are they congratulating me for this shit job that anybody can do…

Well it took me few months to realize, myvotyer partners in carts are 3 of the best, 2 drug addicts(usual consumer, not zombie like one) and an alcoholic. Is this a problem for me? Not at all.
Well if you just slip your work to do it, and it affects me, YES!!

This was their routine 6-8 hour working, and 1-2 skiping to consume. Later in my shift everything was to do, because they didnt do shit during their shits.

When we eventually work at the same shift, their routine was the same, except mine was working.

This came to me complaining to other colleagues, no bosses. It seems it was always like this, so?!

Eventually I pointed out to a boss not related to us, same answer, just do your jon and let them alone.

Ok no trouble with that, until upper bosses realized thatduring my shift everything was great, when the others were, not. Yes they did know about their shitty behaviour.

Solutions? None. Just giving several ways of checking our work, as pointing into a notebook how many carts in an hou we take, all breaks, 1984 movie kind of control, almost.

And treating everyone the same way, even realizing and telling me I was making a great work.
So I got punished like the others for the same money and double the work.

Yesterday I gave my 2 weeks notice. Im no willing to have even worst conditions, just because managers realized that they could enslave us more, and just for my fault because I did my job, not even a great job, just what I was told.

F U bosses and partners alike.

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