
My company is using a new AI system to fill the notes in the calls we take and it scares me

I work at a call center and just today we changed the system we use to take calls, previously we took notes ourselves but this system uses AI and makes the notes by itself. Whats scary is that it is pretty acurrate, english isnt my first language so sometimes i dont understand what the the customers say so seeing the notes i see the AI understood better than me. I i know QA or my supervisor listen to the calls but know i feel like im being watched, this AI is primitive but later on it could know everyting i do on a call.For example it will know when i dont know and trying to come up with an asnwer, it may sense whe im snarky or when i laze around a bit. I try to do my job the best possible, but i do laze around a bit i…

I work at a call center and just today we changed the system we use to take calls, previously we took notes ourselves but this system uses AI and makes the notes by itself. Whats scary is that it is pretty acurrate, english isnt my first language so sometimes i dont understand what the the customers say so seeing the notes i see the AI understood better than me.

I i know QA or my supervisor listen to the calls but know i feel like im being watched, this AI is primitive but later on it could know everyting i do on a call.For example it will know when i dont know and trying to come up with an asnwer, it may sense whe im snarky or when i laze around a bit. I try to do my job the best possible, but i do laze around a bit i take a bit longer than i should in some cases or maybe i place them on hold while i go to the bathroom.

Now with a little bit smarter AI i will need to be perfect, and this not only applies to my job. Probably in a few years call centers will cease to exist, an AI will be a lot better than a human at solving problems and providing information but just think the way you could be micromanaged with an AI, your boss wont even need to be there because the AI will tell him everything.

Imagine a camera on the place you work that watches all your movement and produces a small summary of the actions you did on the day and the time you wasted. Perhaps you made a joke that is not fit for the workplace, or you did a process a different way to save time, or you slowed down a bit and took a little break or just not being 100 productive all the time. You could even be ranked as an empoyee as the chinese goverment with their citizens.

I really think the outlook on jobs looks grim with the rise of AI, companies will have even more power than what they have now.

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